Exploring The Different Types of Dental Implants

People with edentulism experience various complications with their oral functioning and facial appearance. They are too self-conscious to smile confidently in public places. Some individuals also develop secondary health problems. 

Dental implants are complete teeth restorations ideal for supporting function and aesthetics after edentulism. Additionally, they prevent any risk of bone loss by offering stimulation to the dentition. 

Depending on a condition, dentists might choose the best implant type to patients for teeth replacement. 

Different types 

1.     Endosteal 

It is the most common type of prosthesis used as an alternative for bridges and dentures. Endosteal devices contain threaded titanium roots and abutment connectors to fix them in a jawbone. Because of its design, endosteal can offer stable and most natural-looking results for patients. 

2.     Subperiosteal 

Even though this type is preferred rarely nowadays, individuals with insufficient bone density can opt for subperiosteal because practitioners place them within the gum tissue. They can support dentures but with less level of stability than other systems. 

Procedural phases

Typically, dentists and periodontists administer this treatment for individuals with a missing tooth. If needed, oral and maxillofacial surgeons get involved as well to graft gums and bones. 

After a clinical evaluation, patients get their custom treatment plan prepared with the administration of anesthesia. 

The initial step consists of drilling an access point on a jawbone to place titanium roots. After fixing this part, dentists seal the wound and allow for healing. People with insufficient bone volume need grafting surgery for growing ideal density. 

Then, practitioners fix abutment connectors with root posts. This part is essential for supporting dental crowns. Since abutments are also made from titanium posts, they would fuse together with natural bone structures. 

After several months of recovery, patients can choose their choice of prosthetic crowns made from porcelain or metal alloys. Depending on their convenience, they could also choose from removable or fixed crowns. 

Are you contemplating the best dental implant option after teeth loss? At Country Isles Dental, our team of expert dentists provides top-notch services in a serene environment. Schedule your appointment right now at (954) 384-8222










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